Empowering Managers Beyond the Basics

“Transform Your Management Into Authentic Leadership.”

  • Empowering Managers Beyond the Basics

    Gain access to a wealth of insights, strategies, and practical skills that will accelerate your growth as a leader. The course - Awaken your inner leader is designed to fast-track your leadership development. Covering key elements designed to arm managers with the tools and guidelines needed to inspire and lead teams effectively from the first day.

  • Facilitator-Led Growth

    The prerecorded nature of the content allows viewers the flexibility to choose when to watch, ensuring accessibility to quality material at their convenience. Led by a facilitator with a wealth of experience and a speciality in managerial excellence. Learn how to guide your team with confidence and use the actionable takeaways available with every module to shape the way you lead the way to success.

  • Contact

    Questions and enquiries can be directed to learn@mckeenmanagermodules.com or simply click button below.

    Companies are invited to request group rates.

    Please allow 1 business day for a reply.

Experience as Your Guide

Hello, I’m Sharon McKeen. As a retired manager from the Federal Public Service of Canada, with an illustrious career spanning 34 years, I established my reputation as a recognized leader.

As facilitator of the course, my goal is to empower managers and guide them on the journey to excellence and great leadership. Let me share my knowledge and expertise to teach you how to stop managing and start leading!

Beyond the Course

Visit the blog for content designed to improve communication to delegate, empower and motivate your team to get results.

Still in development. Discussion forum is in the works designed to give managers a collaborative space to discuss common issues and seek solutions.